Saturday, October 3, 2009

Keynote: Outliers, Blinks and Tipping Points by Jack R. Nicholas, Jr., P.E., CMRP

This presentation was developed from themes of Malcolm Gladwell’s three best selling books The Tipping Point, blink(sic) and Outliers. Stimulated by contents of these books, Jack Nicholas has developed his own examples and important “take-away” ideas from his five decades of work, professional and personal experiences. These include nuclear submarine operations and support, consulting in many different countries, industries and government activities, volunteer work for professional societies and leading and learning from attendees of his workshops and training courses. His ideas focus on management and leadership in operations, maintenance and reliability organizations that must deal with personnel from many different cultures, traditions, educational and economic backgrounds and levels of intelligence.

The points made will help listeners better understand and deal with conscious and unconscious biases, make opportunities for people to advance their knowledge and make organizations in which they work stronger and more effective at what they do. He dramatically describes a near-disastrous collision at sea involving the world’s first nuclear submarine, the development of a more reliable solution to multiple, unremitting medical emergencies and solving a national crisis by changing the culture and communications protocols of a workplace common to nearly all parts of the world. This presentation will leave a lasting impression and give those who attend some valuable information that they can apply immediately to make their organizations safer, more efficient, profitable and competitive anywhere above, on or under the surface of the globe.

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