Saturday, October 3, 2009

Power Networking at Solutions 2.0

Part of the value at any conference is the professional networking that takes place and events are the best in the world at facilitated networking. At Solutions 2.0 we are "turning it up a notch" as Emeril says.

Join us at 4 pm on November 17 for a special 60 minute Power Networking event.

Power Networking combines the excitement of basic speed networking with the more effective and comfortable environment of networking in small groups rather than one-on-one. At a Power Networking event, participants meet at tables of 4-10 for comfortable networking sessions that last 5-12 minutes each.

When time is up, everyone moves on to the next, pre-assigned table to meet with a brand new group of people. New opportunities to ignite a professional spark are found at each table - duplicates are all but eliminated throughout the process.

At the conclusion of a Power Networking event, participants will have met with 25-50 contacts (maybe more) at the event.

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